Thursday, 20 August 2009

Globalising Mobile Healthcare

I'm currently working on confirming some benchmark international mobile healthcare case studies to the agenda line up - with Korea, Japan, Germany, North America and Italy in the pipeline - I'm hoping to offer some real comparison and global overview....any suggestions from these countries don't hesitate to also add at A pre-email about the event, with some confirmed speakers to date, is due to go out Monday - so watch this space!


  1. Hi there - do you have an agenda for tis meeting?

  2. Nice ghoulish article … very fitting for the season and impressively damn interesting.

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  3. without innovation we have no choice but to depend on USA for projects.. let us all pray for a happy, wealthy, superpower America in 2011 so they will support outsoourcing jobs to our IT companies...

  4. Good post, global mobile healthcare should be be promoted to serve more service to people living in far flung areas.

  5. Thanks for sharing such a great article and it's helpful for everyone. Great Post!.

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